What You Should Know Before Becoming a Surgical Technologist in Pennsylvania
Every surgery tells a story of teamwork, precision, and care. Behind the scenes, surgical technologists work diligently to help the process run smoothly and provide patients with the best care possible. Among this…
Why Ethics Are Important in Information Technology
Ethics are defined as moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or conduct of a certain activity. Our ethics influence the way we interact with others and the world around us. While we…
What is Classified as a Skilled Trade?
A skilled trade is any occupation that requires a particular skill set, knowledge, or ability. It is usually a hands-on job, but skilled trades are found in every career cluster. When it comes…
What is a Surgical Technologist?
Healthcare is an important field that many people strive to work in. One lesser-discussed healthcare trade is that of a surgical technologist. In fact, surgical technologists provide an important role for hospitals, and…